Lemon Shark Valley Mooring depth: 15 meters/45 feet — Maxi depth: 30 meters/90 feet. Lemon Shark valley also known as Opnohu corall wall. The show begins onboard with the best view of "the most beautiful island in the world". Once you've seen Opunohu bay by boat, you'll know what we're taking about. The bay is also a very protected area from the eastern winds and waves.
Once in the water, you will discover a very special dive for this island, with great coral walls and canyons. You can do several dives in the same area : one goes deeper to the "small (coral) rose garden", a specific kind of coral. The other goes along the big wall. The third one finishes near the Sharks' dining room. In all of the dives, you will encounter sea turtles, sharks and tropical fish and probably a few huge moray eels before crossing from one canyon to the other, staying in the middle of clear water.
Tatoi Mooring depth: 35 feet — Maxi depth: 60 feet. One of our favourite spots. Many fishes move from one side of the island to the other, passing through this area. As one of the highlights - you will enjoy the huge moray eels quite impressive.
The ray's corridor Mooring Depth: 5 feet – Maxi Depth: 60 feet.
The Rays Corridor dive is a lagoon dive ideal for beginners, and refresher courses.
A site of beautiful coral with a multitude of reef fish. For most divers, there are frequent meetings with white tips sharks and a group of eagle rays (sometimes more than 40 of them). A great experience, even for experienced divers !
Tapu Mooring depth : 30 feet — Maximum depth : 130 feet. Exiting the pass, one of the most famous sites of Bora Bora. From the coral drop-off, you will meet lemon sharks, black tip sharks, humphead maori wrasses, moray eels, turtles ... Ocean dive / 25mn boat ride — Mooring depth : 50 feet — Maximum depth : 196 feet
Muri Muri (White Valley) Mooring depth: 30 feet - Maximum depth: 130 feet. An exceptional deep blue. Accompanied by grey sharks, you encounter a large coral plateau leading to a sandbank inhabited by a colony of gardener morays. In deep open water, you may sight schools of jacks, Heller's barracudas, but also turtles and giant barracudas. Anchor or drift dive depending on weather conditions.
Toopua Mooring depth: 16 feet — Maximum depth: 100 feet. Many tropical fish gather along the wall, among others, anemones with their clown fish. At the bottom, you find a large sand bank where eagle rays and sting rays wander searching for food. Anchor or drift dive depending upon weather conditions.
Tiputa pass This site opens up into an abundant display of marine life: a magnificent coral garden with multitudes of fish species. By chance, you'll see a turtle feeding on succulent sea sponges, a few Whitetip sharks wandering the reef, some Grey sharks hidden by a huge school of barracudas, or a napoleon grouper accompanied by a hunting blue jackfish. Other exceptional encounters may be a leopard ray surfacing from the abyss along the reef or a manta ray enjoying the grooming services of many small wrasses.
On this dive, one must not fail to look into the deep blue for chance sightings of cruising bottlenose dolphins. Some of which are not too shy to show off their pirouettes in the presence of impressed divers. A dream come true for many a childhood fantasy !
The dive is highly accessible to all certification levels.